i am a system alter, NOT roleplayer. also not optimized for mobile.

Last updated: 10/4/23
Phis ⚠
he/she, agender thing
i enjoy.. |
horror, inside job, clone high, arcane odyssey, psychology, arsenal, calzones, cats. |
i don't particularly like.. |
tight spaces, hershey's, hot weather, country music, sticking to one hobby. |

I'm Phis, I'm S.W.C's co-host and favorite slime creature. I'm a Phi introject (Phisnom's Mascot) and I have a knack for lurking the internet and trying out new things.
I don't mind talking but i'm pretty closed off. I also have trouble controlling my tone. Feel free to tell me if you need additional
tone indicators. I am also bodily 18.
Just don't be a dick and we
should get along just great.I block freely and to my
own discretion.
I formed 1/6/2023 🎉
DID/OSDD is a disorder characterized by the presence of two or more alters.
This is caused by extensive childhood trauma. We have OSDD-1b.
More information about DID/OSDD.
As long as you treat me like a person we're fine, even if you don't fully understand. It's important I communicate that i'm not a roleplayer or impersonator.
I am an introject [An alter pulled from a preexisting piece of media]
who identifies a lot with how I look in my source material.I claim no ownership over Phi.
phisnom's website.
moderately important drawings
Phis reference sheet